The Nahant Reads Together: Our Town activities continue this week and next. There will be a book discussion at the Library this Saturday (March 18) at 4:00. Is Our Town relevant to Nahant today? Has the play’s meaning changed for you, reading it now instead of when you were young? Let’s chat about it! Sharon will facilitate.
The following Saturday (March 25) at 4:00, Sharon will present on the 1819 book collection that created Nahant Library and the people who donated those books to make it happen. Although the building to house the collection came much later (1895), the book collection itself is one of the oldest municipal library collections in Massachusetts. Put together by summer resident William Wood and housed in the old stone schoolhouse, Wood went on to create a number of library projects across the US, internationally, and on sailing ships. His was an interesting life that few people know much about, but with help from the Nahant Historical Society, Boston Public Library, Ontario County Historical Society, and the University of Liverpool, Sharon will share it. The Library will open the “treasure chest” that is the Nahant’s 1819 book collection on March 25. FREE.